What can a Neighbourhood Plan Achieve?


A Neighbourhood Plan aims to capture the community's desires for its development in terms of facilities and housing.  It allows residents to shape how national and local government plans are implemented locally. For example when the Local Plan dicated that Mortimer must build 110 new homes by 2026, the Plan was able to specify requirements of the build (for example location) and any facilities needed to support it, social housing mix, (lack of) street lighting, housing density, parking, construction materials, draining and carbon neutrality, such that a the house builder must adhere to the Plan's conditions. 

Examples of what a Neighbourhood Plan cannot achieve

  • Object to new houses that the Local Plan determines need to be built.
  • Contain policies that conflict with/are overriden by national or local government ones.
  • Create new or change existing private sector facilities - for example give local shops a makeover.