Public Consultations
Results of Public Engagement
Following a survey, stakeholder discussions and public "drop in" sessions in late 2022, the 'steering group’ created draft proposals for both the land originally set aside for a new school/doctors/parking and the new Neighbourhood Plan.
The new Plan aims to reflect both emerging national/district policies and the latest community priorities. That revision is targeted to be finalised by mid 2025.
The work to date comprises:
1. Defining the proposed usage of land originally set aside for a new school and doctors surgery.
2. Creating a draft vision and topics for the new Neighbourhood Plan.
Updated Neighourhood Plan - Defining the Use of Land Reserved behind Tower Gardens
The following was created in collaboration with the school governors, Mortimer Surgery, Oaktree Dental Practice, West Berkshire Council and the landowner.
i) Whilst there is no foreseeable need for a new larger school there is a need for and benefit from outdoor school sports and play facilities and natural habitat. This should ideally be located directly next to the school, for ease of access through the removal of the property to the south.
ii) Additional parking for school staff is still needed.
iii) Whilst there is a desire to offer additional medical services, that would warrant a larger premises, there is no foreseeable plan/funding to build a new surgery on that land.
iv) Oaktree Dental practice needs a larger premises and ideally wants to stay in Mortimer to continue to serve, in particular, its elderly and under 18 NHS patients.
v) Owners and prospective buyers of homes in Tower Gardens would like to know what that land will be used for.
proposed update to Neighbourhood Plan to define usage of land set aside behind Tower Gardens (policy 10.2.1)
1. To set aside up to 40% of the 1 Hectare for school sports and play facilities, natural habitat and parking for school staff vehicles. This plan will be achieved in one of two ways:
Preferred Option
Locate the new facilities directly behind (south of) the school, by demolishing the adjacent property. Under this proposal, approximately 20 age-restricted retirement homes would be built on part of the land , to fund the acquisition of the adjacent property. The creation of these properties would align with the Neighbourhood Plans requirement to support downsizing and be located close to the village centre. PLAN HERE (pdf opens in new window)
Alternative Option
The new outdoor school facilities to be located behind (to the south of) the existing property “Redwoods”, in the event that the property is no longer available when this Plan is agreed. PLAN HERE (pdf opens in new window)
2. To set aside land for a 300-500 square metre dental facility and associated parking.
3. To set aside the balance of the 1 Hectare for a doctors’ or other community facility and associated parking. If planning content has not been obtained within 5 years of the new plan, the need to retain this land will be reviewed.
New Neighbourhood Plan
To ensure that the parish becomes more sustainable, environmentally aware, and responsive to climate change, placing this at the heart of the New Neighbourhood Plan. To seek to provide housing for local people and enable the enhancement of services and facilities appropriate for a modern rural parish sustaining its existing strong community spirit. To support improved and safer pedestrian and cycle connections throughout the village including to the schools and station, and support initiatives to deliver better parking facilities. To continue to retain the rural character and setting of the parish, with the minimum extension of the settlement boundary and intrusion on the existing surrounding green and agricultural space.
Draft Topics
Climate Change (pdf opens in new window)
Natural Environment (pdf opens in new window),
Employment, Facilities and Services (pdf opens in new window),
Highways and Transport (pdf opens in new window)
Community Energy (pdf opens in new window)
You can click on each topic to read the draft scope for each area. We're keen to receive your comments and suggestions for change.
Public consultation drop-in sessions
We ran three public sessions in November 2022 to explain our plans and capture your feedback - details HERE
The outcome of the consultations is here
In July 2022 we issued a questionnaire, online and to Mortimer properties, to capture views on what went well/less well in the prior Plan and what new facilities/services/policies the community saw as important for inclusion in an updated Plan.
1. The current NDP vision has general support but requires a substantial addition on sustainability – climate change, energy and the environment.
2. The main topics respondents wanted to see addressed in a new Plan were, in order of preference
a. Environment and green space 84.4%
b. Sustainability and climate change 73.7%
c. Facilities 68.7%
d. Housing (specificthe need for affordable starter homes, affordable rent, availability for downsizers was a consistent theme58.0%
e. Design and Conservation 55.3%
Housing had a high score from the analysis and there appears to be demand for specific types - affordable starter homes, affordable rent, availability for downsizers was a consistent theme.
3. Road, cycle, pedestrian safety and parking were all of concern of the respondent
The full results and analysis are HERE (pdf opens in new window)